Despite the pollution affecting salt marshes, there are many organizations helping to preserve them. The Carpenteria Salt Marsh Preserve organization is saving the salt marsh. It has schools come to the preserve to learn about it and understand the importance of the salt marshes. They also have signs in the public area of the marsh to educate the public.
YOU can help too! Volunteer time or money to the organizations preserving salt marshes near you. There are ways you can help without working with an organization. If you are at the beach you can pick up trash (picture below left). That way the litter won't flow into the salt marsh. Another way you can make a difference is by using reusable bags and containers instead of paper or plastic. Buying organic foods, conserving water, planting native plants that don't need pesticides and lots of water also help. They help by keeping pesticides out of our water ways, increasing natural water flows and reducing the amount of water treated for human use that ends up in the marsh.